Professional Visitation
Professional Visitation usually refers to visitation by court officers or various criminal justice personnel. Normally a private space is provided where the authorized individuals can meet with inmates without barriers separating them. While in the jail environment, all visitors must abide by the following rules or they will be removed from the facility.
- Wearing of masks is optional during the contact visit/or while in the building.
- No family members or personal friends of an inmate are allowed to accompany any professional visitor during a contact visit.
- Do not give the inmate any articles that contain staples or other metal objects.
- Do not let an inmate keep pencils or pens.
- Do not bring in food, money, cigarettes, or drugs of any type to an inmate
- All legal material to be left with an inmate must be inspected by a staff member.
- No items may be given to an inmate without authorization from jail staff (excluding legal material which must be inspected only). If you are unsure what an inmate may keep, consult a jail staff member.
- Do not bring weapons of any kind into the Security area.
- Photographs of inmates are not allowed.
- Cell phones or other electronic devices may not be brought into the security area without pre-approval by the Deputy Superintendent.
- Tape player (audio and video), TV, or audio CD player will be provided if needed.
- You and your possessions are subject to be searched prior to entering the security area.
- While in the security area you must follow the directions of jail staff, to include leaving when instructed to do so.
- The introduction of contraband into the jail may result in criminal and or civil prosecution.
- While the jail staff will do all in its power to protect you while visiting, the Northern Neck Regional Jail cannot guarantee your safety while in the security area.
- Contact Visits may continue during headcount but visitors cannot not leave visitation room until count has cleared.